
Version 0.5.6

Link: Date: May 23rd, 2020


  • Support for bulk operation that obtains multiple reservations at the same time

Version 0.5.5

Link: Date: April 25th, 2020


  • Fixed compatibility with Werkzeug >= 1.0.0
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the loop would delete the task before running
  • Fixed a potential bug in creating task identifiers

Version 0.5.4

Link: Date: August 26th, 2019


  • Fixed bug when storing information in the initialization of a session

Version 0.5.3

Link: Date: August 23rd, 2019


  • Before, any call would change Now this only applies to calls that actually modify

Version 0.5.2

Link: Date: January 25th, 2019

Bug fixes:

  • Critical bugfix in get_task(func) not working

Version 0.5.1

Link: Date: January 19th, 2019

Bug fixes:

  • Critical bugfix in case of abrupt restart while keeping Redis information.

Version 0.5.0

Link: Date: January 17th, 2019


  • weblab_user now contains also weblab_user.request_client_data and weblab_user.request_server_data which provides the data passed on the on_start method. Also it contains weblab_user.start_date which is the millisecond when it started according to WebLab.
  • has two new methods: and Now, by default you can change things in in your views or in on_start and weblablib will automatically push the information to the Redis server whenever the view has finished, as the standard flask.session object. If you have a particularly long view, or you are inside a task, you may want to push data or pull data from redis at some point. For that, you can use those two methods. Note that, as before, there is no merging process: if you store data it will override whatever is there (as flask.session). If you change inside a task, by default it is not automatically stored unless you force it with store.


  • ensure_unique has been replaced by unique='global'. This allows us to put also unique='user' for concurrent laboratories.
  • WebLabTask does not get updated automatically. This provides more reliability (until now, you could do if not task.finished: (something with task) but it may have finished by then. There are two ways to refresh the information: retrieve (inside or outside the running task) and store (only inside the task).
  • return an immutable dictionary, to enforce the idea that only the task changes the contents of the task.

Bug fixes:

  • If the on_dispose was long, it would happen that WebLab would consider the experiment already finished.
  • UTC issues are fixed (if newer versions of WebLab are used)
  • Reduce the verbosity of logs when Redis is restarting

Version 0.4.1

Link: Date: August 19th, 2018

Bug fixes:

In some contexts, the poll message receives a temporary error (such as 502). In those cases we try a couple of seconds later instead of automatically kicking out the user.

Version 0.4

Link: Date: September 6th, 2017




  • A WebLabTask supports .join() method. It defaults to .join(timeout=None, error_on_timeout=True), raising an error, but can be configured with those parameters.
  • It also supports run_sync(), with the optional named parameter timeout. This guarantees that you can run tasks in a background process such as flask weblab loop.
  • There is also now a stop() method and a stopping flag. If you call stop, stopping will be True. There is also a property called current_task_stopping.
  • @weblab.task() now supports @weblab.task(ensure_unique=True). If multiple threads attempt to raise the same task, only one will run it (and the rest will fail)
  • New methods in WebLab:
  • weblab.get_running_task(function_or_name) (which returns the any or None; use with ensure_unique=True) and webalb.get_running_tasks(func_or_name) to obtain all.
  • weblab.join_tasks(function_or_name, timeout=None, stop=False) which calls stop() if stop and joins all the tasks with that function (or name of function).


  • Flask-SocketIO support through helpers:
    • socket_requires_login and socket_requires_active behave similar to requires_login and requires_active; but calling disconnect of Flask-SocketIO
    • socket_weblab_user is equivalent to weblab_user, but using it in real time without caching. This avoids the typical problems of a long-standing thread with WebSockets


  • A new example, complete, has been added. It includes:
    • Example of WebSocket support, including in a task in a different process.
    • Example of use of Flask-Babel for internationalization
    • Example of use of Flask-Assets for minimizing the static files

CLI changes

  • Similarly to other Flask projects, all the weblablib commands are in a single command group called weblab. This way, in case of using multiple libraries which include their own commands (such as Flask-Migrate or Flask-Assets), the number of commands in the --help are low, and there is a low chance of collision (e.g., you might be using a celery-like system that also has a run-tasks command or a loop command). Therefore, since this version:
Before weblablib 0.4 Since weblablib 0.4
flask fake-new-user flask weblab fake new
flask fake-dispose flask weblab fake dispose
flask fake-status flask weblab fake status
flask loop flask weblab loop
flask run-tasks flask weblab run-tasks
flask clean-expired-users flask weblab clean-expired-users
  • When running flask weblab fake new the default behavior is to open a web browser. --open-browser removed, and a new --dont-open-browser flag is available.
  • Added flask weblab loop --reload. If you change the source code of your application, it will restart the process automatically.

Version 0.3

Link: Date: August 29th, 2017

  • Added weblab_user.locale for i18n processing.
  • Added weblab_user.experiment_name, weblab_user.category_name and weblab_user.experiment_id as more metadata about the context on how the laboratory is used.
  • Added task.done, task.failed, task.finished, task.running, task.submitted so as to avoid playing with strings.
  • WEBLAB_CALLBACK_URL is now optional, and /callback by default.
  • Added current_task that can be called inside a task to get the task_id or update data.
  • Added and current_task.update_data so as to update JSON-friendly data to measure the progress of the task.
  • Added @weblab.user_loader. If set, you can later run say user = weblab_user.user, and it returns a user (e.g., from your database)
  • Supported arguments on {{ weblab_poll_script() }}: logout_on_close, which logs out when you close the current window (by default False); and callback if you want to be notified when the time has passed or an error occurs.
  • Add flask loop for running tasks and thread cleaners concurrently.

Version 0.2

Link: Date: August 26th, 2017

Version 0.1 was uploaded to Pypi, etc., but was not production ready (no tests, docs, some bugs, etc.)